The Sermon in a Secular Age
2019 A. A. Pedersen Lectureship — Featuring Rev. Matt Popovits

The Sermon in a Secular Age

2019 A. A. Pedersen Lectureship in Preaching — Featuring Rev. Matt Popovits

As the context of the American church becomes increasingly secularized so too will the audience engaged in your preaching and teaching. More and more those entering your doors and listening online are unfamiliar with the Gospel and skeptical of, if not hostile to, its implications. What does it mean that we now live in a secular age? And how does this affect the preparation, delivery, and assessment of our preaching of God’s Word? What best practices would the preacher who wants to communicate effectively to Christians and non-Christians alike be wise to embrace?

We will tackle these questions and more.

Session #1

More From Less 

Session #2

The Secular Context

Session #3

The Secular Hearer

Session #4

The Preacher’s Task

Rev. Matt Popovits

Matt serves as Lead Pastor of St. Mark Houston, in Houston, Texas. Prior to serving in Houston, Matt was the planting and Lead Pastor of OSNY, a family of neighborhood parishes in New York City.

Matt has also served as staff writer for Homiletics, a worldwide resource to pastors providing insights and ideas for preaching and teaching, and is a frequent speaker at churches and events around the country.

Prior to entering ministry Matt studied acting at the University of Michigan department of Theatre and Dance; and later received his MDIV from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

He and his high school sweetheart Lisa have two children: Ava Elise and Jack Matthew. They are avid St. Louis Cardinal fans and supporters of all things Maize and Blue.