
Preaching Job and its Reformational Themes

A. A. Pedersen Lectureship 2017

Session #1


Session #2

The Centrality of Jesus

Session #3

The Theology of the Cross

Featured Speaker: Rev. Dr. R. Reed Lessing

Rev. Dr. R. Reed Lessing is Senior Pastor at St. Michael Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana and served as professor of exegetical theology and director of the graduate school at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Dr. Lessing is the author of several volumes in the Concordia Commentary Series including Amos, Jonah, Isaiah 40-55 and Isaiah 56-66.  An active writer and speaker, Dr. Lessing has delivered presentations throughout The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in district, congregational, LWML, Lutheran Laymen’s League and youth settings.  He has also written for The Lutheran Witness.

Dr. Lessing enjoys biking, jogging, camping and cheering for the St. Louis Cardinals. Dr. Lessing and his wife, Lisa, have been blessed with three children:  Abi, Jonathan, and Lori.